Total immersion reo Māori cafe coming to Rotorua soon
What is Rumaki?
Rumaki is a cafe being established in Rotorua. While it will have great food and coffee, it’s main purpose is to normalise te reo Māori by being a total immersions space - in the front and in the back, staff, customers, everyone. From the time you walk through the doors, Māori is the only language you’ll hear. No English.
Firstly, this is a safe, nurturing space for people who want to spend time in a total immersion reo Māori space. No matter what level - just starting, getting more confident, conversational or an expert, this is our safe space. If someone with no reo Māori wants to come in, awesome! There will be resources to support them to order food and coffee, to ask questions, and to give the reo a go. And at the same time, the cafe is a total immersion space, day and night.
Who is Rumaki for?
Who’s running this?
Katie Cherrington
Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi, Te Kapotai
Aroha Armstrong
Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Uenukukopako, Ngāti Te Roro o te Rangi
Miraka Davies
Ngātiwai, Ngāti Porou
Vanessa Oxley
Tangata Tiriti, Ngāi Te Rangi Māmā
Ana Morrison
Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Mākino
When will Rumaki be opening?
That will rely on funding. Hopefully the doors will open during Matariki this year. But if funding is slow to come in, it will open by the end of 2025.
So is it a business or a charitable trust?
Both. A charity can run a business (and make profits) to fund its charitable purposes. During this establishment phase of the cafe, we are seeking donations and grants. Once the doors are open, Rumaki will be self-funded by the operations of the cafe. It is not a charitable trust that will need to rely on ongoing external funding.
How can you help?
Where do we start? There are soooo many things we need to get up and running. For example:
Graphic design
Finding premises
Fit out of premises
Interior design
IT resourcing
Donations of pūtea
Donate now - Toitū Te Reo!
Or you can make a bank deposit directly to:
Rumaki Trust Board
ASB 12-3158-0207881-00
Donations to Rumaki Trust Board are tax deductable, and we’ll send you a tax invoice (if you make a deposit directly into our account, please email us so we can send that to you).
Can you get a job at Rumaki?
Yes! We need all the staff to run this business. If you have a skills and talents in hospitality, whether front or back of house or management, and you can speak te reo Māori, get in touch!
And here is our commitment to you: You will be paid appropriately. We understand that your skills, talents, and reo have value. There is no doubt that this kaupapa will only be realised through the commitment and enthusiasm of experienced people - and we are not seeking volunteers.
So if you want to put yourself forward for possible mahi, send us your CV or just get in touch below.
Get in touch.
Want to support Rumaki, enquire about jobs, or have ideas you want to share? Get in touch here.